Gardening Is Not Just A Hobby...But A Way Of Life

Recognising Common Weeds - Annual Weeds

Weeds are persistent garden invaders that will often grow back if you fail to address them correctly. Some of the most difficult weeds to get rid of are the annual varieties, as they are prolific seeders and grow so quickly. Annual weeds usually have a life cycle of one growing season; however these types of weeds are known to produce a large amount of seeds which can remain dormant till growing conditions are perfect, then sprout in to weeds the following year and years afterwards. Before you are able to effectively control them you must first be able to identify what type of weed it is, as this will ensure you use the most effective method of removal. The following address the most common types of annual weeds you may come across in your vegetable garden, with practises on how to recognize, manage and prevent them.

7/16/20241 min read

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